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I Think You’re A Quack

“I’m going to be honest with you – I think chiropractors are quacks.” Yeah, I said that directly to Dr. Kurt’s face at my first appointment, and he just looked at me and smiled. And I really did think that. To me, he was going to be just another thing I tried on my way to constant, life-long pain. I had hip problems, a degenerative disk in my lower spine and sciatica. I’d already been through multiple rounds of physical therapy and even steroid injections directly into my spine. I was on prescription anti-inflammatory meds every day and was still couldn’t put my pants on the morning without assistance or yelling things that I won’t repeat here.

Now I realize that smile he gave me was because he knew the joke was on me. Not only did he completely FIX my back and hip pain – including getting me through my training for the Garden of the Gods 10 miler and through my second pregnancy – but I literally can’t remember the last time I was sick. I haven’t seen my primary care physician in so long that I will have to do a “New Patient” appointment if I go back. Dr. Kurt also evaluated my labs after my second baby (sweet little Willy Jack), and made some recommendations that have helped me regain my energy and health AFTER baby – which most moms of littles can recognize is a BIG feat.

But the most amazing thing Dr. Kurt has done for me is make my kiddos truly healthy. My oldest, my fiery little Zoey Bug, was so sick when we first started going to Dr. Kurt. She was on her 4th round of antibiotics for ear infections and felt crummy all the time because she was always sick. We were lucky that her speech hadn’t been affected yet, so tubes were still a ways out, but we were at our wits’ end. A sick kid is hard – no matter what the illness. I mentioned the ear infections to Dr. Kurt (after telling him he was a quack) and asked if he could help. He smiled again and said, “Absolutely.” And he was right. One month later, they were all gone and she hasn’t been back to the doctor for a sickness since. Happy to be eating my words – and enjoying the best health of my life!”