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Tagged: Thyroid

You still suffer from fatigue even though you have โ€˜normalizedโ€™ your TSH? Letโ€™s look at what is potentially being missed in your journey for more energy.

Glyphosate is the worldโ€™s most widely produced herbicide. You know it as RoundUp. It is a broad-spectrum herbicide that is used in more than 700 different products for agriculture and forestry to home use. Glyphosate was introduced in the 1970s to kill weeds by targeting and suppressing the enzymes that produce the amino acids tyrosine, tryptophan, and phenylalanine.

Life is filled with moments that shape our journey. As I enter my 15th year of clinical practice, there are 3 defining moments that shaped my career path and lead me to functional medicine as a provider.